Perhaps you are thinking of how to get your girlfriend back. Maybe you are even in doubt about whether you can do it. "Can I get my ex girlfriend back if she doesn't answer my phone call or reply my text messages?" You are definitely not alone in this situation. But do not despair. Even though she is ignoring you for the time being, it doesn't mean it is over yet.
I have heard of couples getting back together even after 1 year of non contact. First, you have to analyze your own situation before planning your next move. 1) Have you just broken up? Maybe it happens only 2 days ago. The idea here is you should try not to contact your girlfriend so soon if both of you have just broken up.
It might be that she is not ready to talk to you now. So the best thing she can do is not to answer your phone call at all. Give her more time, You will need this time as well. Allow time to recover emotionally. Don't allow yourself to slip into depression.
Stay positive and it will put you in a better position to get your girlfriend back. 2) Have you displayed signs of "desperation"? Maybe both of you have already broken up for a long time already. So you want to get her back.
Did you call her too often? Maybe she didn't answer your call. So you decided to call her until you get through. Don't do that. She will instantly know that you are acting out of desperation. This makes you less attractive in her eyes. This is in fact one of the many common mistakes that many guys make.
Don't allow this mistake to spoil your chances of getting your girlfriend back.
How to get your girlfriend back? Watch a video that shows you exactly what you must NEVER do, what you should do to get your ex back and why at How To Get Your Girlfriend Back Video Tip You will also learn how to reverse the situation if you have already done those things that should NEVER be done.