Dating Safety Tips: Safety tips
for meeting in person
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A lot of women are scared of the online
dating scene. They hear horror stories about stalkers and
weirdos. There are important steps you should take when you
think you are ready to meet someone in person that you first met
online. The most important thing is to never under any
circumstance meet someone for the first time in a private place.
Why take the risk? It doesn't matter that you "feel" like you
know and can trust them. Meet in a highly public place, like a
Starbucks. One thing you can also do is bring a friend, but a
good way to do this isn't necessarily to let them know you are
bringing a friend. Have a friend be wherever you are going to
meet up, but not with you. Say you are at Starbucks, well have a
friend sit at a table, keeping an eye on you. You and the person
you are meeting will be sitting at another table. Then when it
is time to leave, let them leave first, and then you and your
friend can walk back to your car together. This sounds all very
paranoid to some people, but safety is a legitimate concern and
should be taken seriously.
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